Plans submitted to extend Swift Caravans

Plans submitted to extend Swift Caravans
18 October 2007
Plans have been submitted to East Riding Council for an extension to the Swift Caravans manufacturing facility in Cottingham, East Yorkshire and the creation of a new roundabout access to the site on the Beverley Bypass (A1709).
The additional space created by the expansion will be used to store completed caravans and motor homes before they are distributed all over the UK and Europe. Vehicles and certain aspects of production currently operate on three separate sites and expanding the Cottingham site onto adjacent land will consolidate all Swift manufacturing processes onto one site and ensure the company’s continued contribution to the local economy.
The new roundabout access will significantly reduce traffic levels on local roads around the Cottingham area, with the main access to the Swift Factory being via the new link to the Beverley Bypass. The existing access to Swift at Gate 3 on Dunswell Road will be closed to all traffic except emergency vehicles. Access at Gate 2 on Dunswell Road will also ultimately close but until the Swift offices are relocated, this entrance will be retained for office staff and visitors only. Absolutely no lorries will be permitted onto the Swift site via Dunswell Lane once the new access road is constructed.
Additional traffic measures are also being considered and may be implemented as a result of this application. These measures arise as a result of consultation with the Dunswell Action Group and other local residents and will affect Dunswell Road, Dunswell Lane and the junction at Little North Moor Lane at Dunswell Road, Cottingham.
The development site has been the subject of detailed ground investigation works as it is located close to the aquifer which supplies drinking water to homes throughout the Hull area. These studies have taken several months to complete and the Environment Agency is satisfied that the proposals will cause no harm to this.
To enable the expansion, Northmoor Lane will need to be closed and dissected into two cul-de-sacs accessed from either Dunswell Lane or Orchard Park Road.
The consolidation of Swift’s manufacturing operations began with the transfer of the Gate 1 manufacturing facility on Dunswell Road to the main Swift site last year. If the current planning application is approved, this industrial site will be redeveloped by Persimmon Homes for new housing with a design which makes use of natural features and provides green space for the whole community
The planning application is being made by Swift Holdings (UK) Limited and the Boundary Business Park development consortium.
Peter Smith, Swift group chairman, said: “Expanding our site on to adjacent land will further streamline our operations and ensure we are able to remain competitive and retain our position as one of the Europe’s leading suppliers of caravans and motor homes.
“As the major employer in the area, we value our relationship with the local community and we are delighted to submit a planning application which not only safeguards Swift’s future and hundreds of local jobs, but also improves the quality of residential life by significantly reducing commercial traffic.”
For further information, contact:
Public Relations Department, Dransfield Properties Ltd
Tel: 01226 360644
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