Dransfield Team Pledge Support to Leukaemia Research!

Dransfield Team Pledge Support to Leukaemia Research!
28 February 2009
The Team at Dransfield Properties have pledged to continue supporting Leukaemia Research in the company’s annual European cycle ride challenge.
South Yorkshire based Dransfield Properties and Hull’s PDR Construction raised £36,658.28 by cycling from Paris to Lyon last summer – the money was raised for The Children's Hospital Charity in Sheffield and Leukaemia Research.
After meeting with Alistair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former communications director who is now the Charity’s Chairman of Fundraising, the cycle team have pledged they will continue to back the charity in this year’s route which will take them from Lyon to Marseille.
The charity has it’s 50th anniversary next year and fundraisers are encouraging 50 companies or individuals to raise £50,000 to mark this milestone.
The Dransfield and PDR team are hoping to eventually work their way round Europe on their cycle challenge - attempting a gruelling 300 mile cycle route each year.
This week Mark Dransfield, Managing Director of Dransfield Properties, and Lee Newsham, Financial Director from PDR, presented a cheque to Mr Campbell following last year’s cycle challenge – and invited him to join this year's cycle team!.
Mr Dransfield said: “The team are already in training for this year’s challenge and we’re determined to raise as much money as we can for The Children’s Hospital in Sheffield and for the work Leukaemia Research undertake at the hospital."
For further information about Leukaemia Research visit http://www.lrf.org.uk/en/1/home.html
Picture shows left to right: Lee Newsham from PDR, Mark Dransfield, Alistair Campbell and Cathy Gilman, Chief Executive of Leukaemia Research.
For further information, contact:
Public Relations Department, Dransfield Properties Ltd
Tel: 01226 360644
Email: pr@dransfield.co.uk
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